How many times do you have to acknowledge the good job done?

Very early on, we were aware of Amor’s motor issues (stiff muscles) and were aware that she would be delayed in ability to draw and write. In fact, I was even worried about how far she would get with writing.

But Amor is fighter. She loves to doodle with her crayons. Like an ism, we feel that her drawing is a way of “healing” herself and overcoming motor challenges.

In a day, all her drawings would be no different from the previous. Yet with every new drawing we give her a “good job!” It indeed is a good job to be able to draw something recognizable when your muscles don’t move fluidly like other kids.

With pride, we post her work (with Ian’s) on the wall. We don’t get tired of telling her that her new creation is better than the previous!

All the “good job!” said is worth it! Amor, on her own, has finally written her name with no assistance whatsoever! I would never have imagined that this milestone would come this early.

So, for Nathan’s case, we don’t get tired of telling him good job in so many ways:
Thank you for looking at me!
I like your smile!
Thank you for asking!
That’s amazing!
You’re funning!
I love it when you look at me!

Each “good job” will help him find his way out of autism.