Jin Shin Jyutsu

We officially start an exciting new chapter of healing! I’m attending a week-long seminar on Jin Shin Jyutsu. To explain it simply: energy healing using something as simple touch.

With my amateur experience of JSJ, I’ve already seen how effective it is in reducing Ian’s fever, reducing Nathan’s stress/agitation, settling Amor’s gassy stomach, giving me more energy and helping me undo a pinched nerve. I’m sure it has so much more potential!

There’s are so many avenues to better health and I’m blessed having friends helping me discover them.

On building relationships

Nathan is so much more flexible. Like after bed time, if he asks for a snack, he can accept a “No” for an answer with the explanation that night time is for sleeping. Pre-Son-Rise days, denial of food would always lead to major tantrums! I’m sure many autism parents can relate.

Nathan has been so flexible, I realize I easily take it for granted. Like, I think he’s not going to cry anyway, so usually reply, “No, you can’t have it” or “Wait/later”.

That does have drawbacks…

Papa, on the the other hand, still practices the fantastic Son-Rise “yes” attitude (The same good stuff that got Nathan to talk with intentional speech, want to communicate, be more expressive, be more persistent, be more flexible …we got so much from just having the “yes” attitude). So for example, even if Papa is having dinner and Nathan requests the guitar, Papa will get up and play the guitar for Nathan. Nathan gets “yes, yes, yes!” from Papa all the time (except if safety or health will be affected).

So now, Papa is Nathan’s favorite parent. He gets the big smiles from Nathan all the time. He’s Nathan’s go-to person. As for Mama…well, I’m that boring parent who always says “No” so lately Nathan hasn’t been as excited around me.

I guess this doesn’t only apply to special needs kids. Who wants to be around parents who say “no” all the time?

Talk about expressive!

When Nathan is no interested to interact, he will normally just turn his back on you or stim harder to try to block you out. Yesterday and today, he asked politely, “Do you want to step back?” 😀

Sharing Son-Rise

My son was born with a brain injury (cerebral palsy), doctors said he might not walk. Later on he got the autism diagnosis. No amount of therapy (PT, OT, SPED, speech, music, aqua therapy, sensory therapy and ABA) would get him to follow instructions independently, look at me, or even recognize that his name was called. His twin sister has Global Developmental Delay. She is far behind her peers in terms of social-emotional development, speech and motor skills. Later on she developed myoclonic epilepsy. By the time our 3rd child arrived, I was worried how was I going to nurture him when his older siblings needed me to chaperone them to and from therapy…for maybe the rest of their lives?

My life could have been very very difficult.

But The Son-Rise Program® turned everything around.

My son with autism now has strong eye-contact, responds to name, has intentional speech, is very spontaneous and persistent…the list will get longer.
My daughter is such a fighter, even if it takes her a million tries, she can achieve whatever she sets her mind on doing.
My youngest Neurotypical is doing amazing in school, both socially and academically.

No matter what the outcome will be, I know my kids will be ok. I know will be a community around that them will be there to love and accept them for who they are. Son-Rise is already helping me build that community.

If life was this good to you, wouldn’t you share it? Of course! Here’s a bunch of Son-Rise families in Singapore ready to shout out, “There is so much hope!”


Blessed with a good nanny

When nanny first worked with us, I asked her if she wanted to learn and be a son-rise facilitator. She said “no” and I respected her decision. It’s been 3 years since. On her own she’s been picking up Son-Rise. This is Nathan demanding her attention and having a conversation with her, in fun autism scripting language. Nathan was fully engaged. Just like how kids enjoy the challenge of tongue twisters, Nathan likes making his own fun sounding words.

Nanny turns to be good at son-rise, especially when she is not forced to do so 🙂


Importance of stims

Nathan is more expressive so I can better understand Son-Rise principles like the importance of isms (exclusive, repetitive, autistic behaviors).

Last week, he said he wanted to touch the yellow house (meaning the yellow wall portion of the building). I followed him to the yellow wall and realized that portion had a rough surface which he wanted to tap (ism with). White surfaces were smooth.

Nathan’s cerebral palsy indicates that he has very weak brain to nerve connections. It must feel the same way when we sleep on our wrong side, wake-up with a dead arm then try to shake it off to feel our arm again…that’s isming of a non-autistic person. But in Nathan’s case, he always has a “dead arm” feeling in his peripherals so his way to dealing with it is by flappy and tapping objects. It’s smart of him to know what works better to wake up his nerves: tapping on a rough surface!

He’s going to be flapping and tapping for a while. I don’t mind because I know he’s simply helping his body heal faster! And yes, we do diet and biomedical options too to synergistically heal his body.
