Raun Kaufman, The first Son-Rise Child

Raun Kaufman, was once extremely autistic and would only spin plates all day. Doctors recommended institutionalization. Instead, his parents choose to accept that he was different and they could simply be happy with it and make him live a happy life. It wasn’t their intention to help Raun fully recover from autism…but he did after only 3 years. Raun now runs the Autism Treatment Center of America, home of the Son-Rise Program, which as since then helped thousands of parents choose to be happy with their children, most of whom have even recovered or have come a long way from autism!

Many are skeptical about Raun’s story, but as I read the book and immediately applied son-rise techniques to my son, Nathan, he immediately gave me eye-contact, smiles and laughs.

Strong eye-contact, intentional speech, using gestures like pointing were established for the first time after only one month of our son-rise program! Raun’s story is doable!

We’re loving our son-rise journey!
