Waiting for more science to be on our side

As we venture into biomedical interventions for autism, we see improvements in Nathan. Example, while addressing mineral deficiencies. Nathan started singing whole songs that he never sang before. By the time Nathan was able to watch shows like “Barney at the Circus” with their unique line up of songs, he had regressed so deep into autism he could only watch but never sing along like he did as a toddler. He regressed from being able to sing whole nursery rhymes at age 2 1/2, then started losing words and melody of his nursery rhymes. By age 4, when he was diagnosed with autism, there was no singing at all, only chanting. He lost many skills and ability to socially interact. He lost eye-contact. He lost ability to doodle with a pen and would only flap or mouth toys.

Something happened to Nathan. He was NOT born with #autism. He had a brain injury causing cerebral palsy that is non-progressive and should only affect walking. That itself should have raised red flags for the doctors when deciding to vaccinate. Environmental toxins that Nathan’s body couldn’t handle caused his immune system to spiral down causing autism. And the biggest toxin of all are those injected right into his blood stream called #vaccines.

The problem with the medical community not acknowledging the vaccine-autism link is that more kids, who cannot handle vaccines, will be harmed. Furthermore, for those already harmed, like Nathan, there are only a handful of studies and good doctors and professionals guiding us to undo vaccine injury. With so little studies, mistakes can happen.

I’m blessed to be finding folks helping me understand the complexity of detoxing and fixing one’s immune system. Still I wished more science was on our side for better guidance.

But for many other parents…their best resource might be the same doctor who shoves them the line “for ever study that says there’s a vaccine-autism link, I can show you 10 that says there is none.” The same doctor that will not look into the possibility of healing autism, might even blame their child’s autism on genetics when no ancestor has autism.

Too much resources are wasted pushing for studies to disprove the #VaccineAutism link to save a whole industry, professionals or even governments from damage claims.

If this was a perfect world, couldn’t they just admit, “Sorry, let’s move forward and help each other undo autism”? Why keep resisting, harming more children and keeping those already harmed in the dark, just to protect themselves?