
Nathan has been using tantrums and testing his new volunteer, Zirah. But after a few coaching sessions asking Zirah to adopt the following Son-Rise attitudes and techniques, she quickly nailed it! Twice in his session today, Nathan started to whine. In both instances, Zirah remained calm and in a few minutes, Nathan settled down.

Son-Rise principles:

1. I asked Zirah to find peace despite Nathan crying and even hitting his head. If she is relaxed, it will be much easier for her to ask Nathan to relax.

2. While we always want to be “user-friendly” and help Nathan communicate his needs, we also want him to know that tantrums are not as effective as using words to communicate. We move slowly (in a boring way) to help him get his needs met when he tantrums and we move fast (with excitement) as soon as we hear his words to express his wants. Things we celebrate are reinforced.

For a 1-week volunteer, Zirah certainly learns fast!!! Feeling blessed by our new volunteer!

In the photo: Zirah andNa than 
