Louder Please! 

Kids with autism are usually “robotic” (at least those with severe autism, like where Nathan started).

Kids with autism are usually expressionless.
Kids with autism usually have a hard time understanding and using concepts. The adverb “loud” for example, is invisible and difficult to grasp.
…so they say…
Here’s a boy who was once so severely autistic, he could in a corner of the house and place things in his mouth the whole day, if we let him. Yes, we once thought that he was expressionless and robot…
But here he is now…he does what he wants, when he wants with so much expressive gusto! 
Here’s a boy who picked-up concepts through play therapy and can tell his Mama to use a “louder” voice!

#AutismRecovery here we come! 

Praise God for the gift of healing!