Manifest first

I just picked-up great words of wisdom from my 8-year-old, Ian.

He said during his boring get to school rush, “Mommy when I smile like this, it already makes me feel happy!”

I gave it a thought an replied, “Yeah, usually when we feel it, we don’t have to worry, what we feel from the inside will automatically manifest on the outside. But I guess it can work in reverse, make it manifest on the outside (through a smile) and it will touch your inside.”

If you cannot get he feeling from the inside, manifest first!

It has been a super busy week and this Friday morning I felt tired and didn’t know if I had the energy to play with Nathan and help him grow. But I was reminded of what Ian taught me to manifest first and let the manifestation touch me inside. 

To my amazement, Nathan played with me this morning and fuelled my desire to keep my energy up.

It’s amazed at the wisdom we learn from our kids!

In the photo: Our karaoke session with Mom-Me, Nathan and Ian, always ready to smile and be merry.