Nathan outsmarts me 🤣

Nathan: You want to walk to the grocery?
Me: No I don’t want to walk to the grocery. (but I know he does)

Nathan: Does Nathan want to walk to the grocery? 

Me: (trying to explain my way out of it) Let’s walk later, it’s really hot right now.

Nathan: (with a louder voice) Does Nathan want to walk to the grocery?

Me: Later, it’s too hot

(This goes on for a few more loops)

Nathan: (even louder) Mama, say ‘Does Nathan want to walk to the grocery?’ please!

Me: (since he was so persistent and asking so nicely) Does Nathan want to walk to the grocery?

Nathan: ok!

Me: <trapped> 😲🤐🤣😜
Trapped🤐 but feeling blessed 😇 that Nathan is now so good at negotiating his needs with sweet persistence! ❤️

In the photo: Mom-Me and my smart boy Nathan!