
By age 4 Nathan regressed deep into autism and lost all his words and ability to sing nursery rhymes. Today, at age 14, God is restoring Nathan’s voice!

We knew that Nathan had special needs soon after his premature birth. But #autismregression continued especially between the age of 2 and 4, when skills were emerging…to eventually be lost.

By the time Nathan turned 4-years-old he lost his ability to sing beautiful nursery rhymes. Instead, he did rhythmless chants while staring into space. He lost his ability to grip a pen and doodle. Instead, he would put everything into his mouth, even the toy guitar, which he was once able to strum and sing with.

Nathan regressed deep into autism. I felt like I “lost” my son.

By age 5, I though Nathan would never be able to call me “Mama” or to look at me for longer than a minute.

Each full year the Neurodevelopmental Paediatrician would assess him to have gained only 2 months of cognitive skills. If Nathan continued at that rate, by the time he reached 20-years-old, he would be behaving like a 4-year-old…severely autistic.

GOD’S PLAN (Nathan at 4-years-old)

I remember crying everyday after the doctor told us that Nathan had autism. Nathan was already 4-years-old and so much therapy and early intervention, did not seem to be making the future brighter any for us.

I cried and prayed and cried some more. One night, in my usual crying and praying moments, this song sang in my mind:

“in His time. God makes all things beautiful in His time.”

God was telling me to trust Him, even if I could not see anything at the moment.

GOD’S PLAN MANIFEST (Nathan at 5-years-old)

One year after that moment of peace, Nathan was 5 1/2-years-old, I found The Son-Rise Program®! Son-Rise taught me that I, the parent, could be the best therapist for my child. And that exciting games, rather than rigorous repetition, were the best ways to help my child with autism engage.

Nathan began to look at me, smile and laugh with me! Nathan began to speak and request things from me!

Nathan connected with me again! I got my son back!

MEETING GOD (Nathan at 9-years-old)

Son-Rise was the best and the easiest way to help Nathan make big gains despite his autism. But that does not mean life was easy for us. Life was hard and we gave up a lot of family outings simply because it was more stressful than relaxing. We even stopped going to church for the same reason.

But God must have wanted me to know that He has been calling me all this time.

Thankfully we were invited to New Creation Church (NCC), which has a special needs ministry while parents worship. It was at NCC were I learned about God’s mighty love for me.

In fact, before God speaks, He shows. He gave me Son-Rise first so that I could see that the power of a parent’s love can conquer anything! Imagine knowing what God’s love for us can conquer!

It was at NCC where I learned to rest in God and that He will restore what the enemy took away.

HEALING IN THE NATURAL (Nathan at 13-years-old)

“Pick-up your mat and walk.” That’s what Jesus said to the lame man.

What a fight of faith.

Those were the years when I would bring Nathan out for walks and no matter how tiring it was for both of us. Sometimes, I thought, not trying had the same results – zero muscle development.

Walking is challenging for Nathan because of his brain injury at birth (cerebral palsy) affecting his ability to control his legs. All his life we have been dependent on his wheelchair.

Like many special needs moms, when doctors had nothing more to offer, I turned to nutrition and alternatives to look for anything else that could help my son. Besides, is something caused his #autismregression, there should be a way to undo it.

We made strides with diet and nutrition, removing excess sugar to help Nathan to balance his energy and hyperactivity. Removing gluten and casein, to help leaky gut and lessen staring-into-space moments.

Then we found ASEA. Not only did injuries stop, but Nathan began to gain. Nathan muscle coordination and strength began to improve. He started to walk longer and longer distances without any tantrums! His speech became so much more clearer! Nathan started singing nursery rhymes agains! There are even songs which I know he loved to listen to during his regression years but could not sing…Today, all of a sudden I am hearing Nathan sing songs that he has never sang before!

Here he is singing his favorite worship song. One that he could only dance to in the past. But today he’s singing the whole song! God is so good!