Happy Autism Awareness Month!

Nathan’s autism has been a true blessing.

Nathan makes me a better mom. I have learned to DEEPLY love and accept him AND HIS AUTISM. I’m realizing that this is the best position to be to actually help him grow and overcome his autism.

If I can love and accept something that was once so “tragic” in my life, I can love and accept anything and deal with life easier.

I can love and accept Amor’s sensory issues, irritability due to sensory issues, rigidity and delays. By doing so, I can be more patient (as best I can 😛 ), I can better model flexibility and be more encouraging for her to grow and blossom.

I can love and accept Ian’s need to be a perfectionist. By showing Ian that I’m ok being second (and he’s first), I can teach him it ok to lose and trying/practicing is a better measure of success in life.

I can love and accept my husband’s need for financial security (vs. my financial need to support special diet, biomedical and alternative interventions to help my special needs twins). It makes it much easier for both of us to establish middle grounds.

We are blessed with the Son-Rise Program(r) which has helped us to deeply love and accept whatever challenges comes our way.

God is good!
