
Do you ever feel excited about trainings and so much acquired learnings, but the day after comes and stress emerges from thinking “I learned so much, how am I going to implement everything successfully?” I call that the-day-after-training-syndrome.
I love trainings. I feel I gain years of wisdom simply by listening to people who have lived and learned so much from their years of experience…then Monday, comes.

We just finished an intensive weekend outreach/training with awesome Son-RiseĀ® teacher, Gerd Winkler! Gerd has worked with and witnessed countless children with autism recover via The Son-Rise ProgramĀ®. There was much to learn and we’re excited about it. Everything that Gerd recommended really resonated with my parenting style and I was in tears knowing those were the right steps to help Amor to one day be integrated into a regular school. (This outreach was primarily for Amor this time).

Now, the more important, but may be the hardest part of the whole training…the implementation.

I took the Monday morning off to take a walk and think about all the things we have to do. That Me-Time was very productive! At the end of all the thinking, I was able to breakdown tasks ahead into more manageable sizes:

1. Everything easy to do – we start today! Example: using a real clock, play clock and a timer, which were all readily available at home, to teach Amor the concept of time, help her transition from one task to another and to help her in turn taking games.

2. Everything that takes many action steps – would be put in the calendar. Example a great next step is recruiting and coaching another child to be a Son-Rise one-on-one playmate for Amor to help her move from parallel play to more interactive games. 

Just marking key steps on the calendar lifts a heavy burden that I was feeling from the-day-after-training-syndrome. In fact, all that thinking has brought me from being stressed to being confident that all the tasks ahead will be easy and achievable! All it took was a mind shift.

Life is a blessing!

In the photo: Amor was excited to show Gerd the playground. Gerd coached us in the playground, getting the the other kids involved in helping Amor share the swings. At the end of the session she was sharing. I even heard a girl ask Amor if she wanted to play with them.