Playground victory 

Going to the playground was not a “walk in the park” for me. For the longest time, I always needed nanny to help me bring the 3 kids to the playground or at least pick-up one of the twins, so I can take twin # 2 😉 and Ian home without a fuss. 
Today I declare VICTORY! I brought the 3 kids to the playground and back and nanny was surprised that I didn’t call her to bring Nathan’s wheelchair or to make sure Amor that followed us home.  

Since I had to assist Nathan to walk, I couldn’t guide Amor home, or pull her out of danger at the driveway. But she followed and sensibly moved out or harm when cars drove by.

Nathan walked to the playground and back, without whining for his wheel chair. Amor agreed to go home once time was up and transitioned well. Transitioning is one of her biggest challenges. And Ian…was the great kid as usual.

I’m counting life’s abundant blessings! Well, maybe playground time will soon be a walk in the park! 

I was so happy bringing the 3 kids to the playground, I just had to take a photo. I must have felt that the day was going to end well.