Reacting to his presents

While we knew exactly what to to get Ian and from Amor from our business trip to Jamaica, getting Nathan something he likes was a bit of a challenge….until I found baby Baby Bop and baby BJ at the airport! 
When we arrived, I put it in a bag and told Nathan that I had a surprise for him. He got out of his swing and walked towards me with a curious look on his face. He pulled out the stuff toys and smiled 😄! When I said it was Baby Baby Bop, he gave me a little chuckle 😂

Yey! It’s one of those moments I used to think I would never have. He didn’t have any reactions when opening his Christmas or birthday gifts before. The other kids would help him open his presents and he would simply let go of it as soon as he saw what it was. 😄

Life is a blessing!