Peeling off irritability 

Amor was a super late reader. Though I was worried about her falling so far behind, I never pushed her to read because she was showing signs of dyslexia.
At age 7 she stared showing interest in reading and that’s the time we became more inviting to reading and listening to story books.  
When the motivation is there, that’s the best time to challenge. As as result, Amor is fast catching up with reading. Not only that, she is also showing interest in writing and is now able to express herself in short letters.
While it is exciting that she wrote me this letter, I’m more excited that Amor is now able to go beyond all the sensory issues that bothered her as a child, making her irritable and self-centered. She has now peeled off several layers of irritability thanks to all the Son-Rise® that we have been doing, and now she expresses her appreciation for others 😄. The sweet princess that she was meant to be is emerging!