Number 94

Yesterday, 93 kids recovered using Chlorine Dioxide. Today, my daughter Amor, is number 94!

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) is to measure effectivity of interventions used for autism. ATEC scores of 10 and below indicate that the child is within neurotypical range. Above 10, the child is in the autism spectrum. The higher the number the more severe the autism.

We have been checking our twins ATEC scores since we started our biomedical intervention: Chlorine Dioxide (CD).

Amor’s score went from 21 (before CD), to 14 in three months. That was when we felt that symptoms of dyslexia disappeared and she became more interested in phonics and reading. Now, after another three months it’s 9! Recovered!

Her scores has put a measurement on what I have been feeling in the recent months: I can finally envision Amor actually catching up in a regular school with no aid.

When Amor started schooling 3 years ago, we were giving time for her to catch up but it seemed the longer we waited, the larger the gap became. And the more impossible it felt for her to catch up. However, in the past few months, Amor has been “peeling off” her sensory issues, showing us her sweet side that used to be covered by irritability (overstimulated hearing and touch senses), she is becoming more focused, she shows she grasps our conversations, she lost symptoms of dyslexia, her body movements are more fluid instead of jerky…the list goes on.

Now I say, anything is achievable! Amor can become anything she sets her mind on becoming!

June 2013 Progress

This month’s progress:

1. Nathan has been able to sustain 3 to 4-loop simple conversations with many volunteers. That is, if you ask him a question, he will answer spontaneously up to 4 times that you ask him question. Last month we could only say that he was consistent with 2-loops.

2. Nathan now says the names of his volunteers before requesting for something.

3. Nathan can better process language. He can now answer choice questions. Before, he simply used to echo the last choice.

4. Nathan now corrects his use of pronouns. He corrects to “I want…” Instead of “You want…” More practice needed but the fact that he is auto correcting is great!

5. Some volunteers observe that Nathan has less isms (exclusive, repetitive, autistic behaviors) and more interaction. Sometimes instead of isming, Nathan looks at his volunteers as if to say, “Ok, what game are we playing next?”

We just had our Son-Rise team meeting yesterday and it was great listening to Nathan’s volunteers discuss the improvements they have been seeing.

Those long awaited moments!

OMG! As Nathan rode the school bus, he said, “Bye-bye, see you later.” I was still getting Amor onto the bus on so I kinda missed indulging in that lovely goodbye. So I said good-bye to him again hoping he would respond again. He did! Then after the door closed I blew him a kiss and he blew one right back at me! OMG!

This is one of the moments I have looooong been waiting for and it’s better than I expected! A year ago I used to get blank stares as I helped him onto the bus, made exaggerated faces while saying animated goodbyes to him. Few months back saying one goodbye had become an “acquired skill” but mostly still needed prompting. There are days when he just wouldn’t say it. This was all his initiative and he kept at it until the bus left!

Here’s a photo of my twins waiting for their school bus. Amor was watching YouTube 🙂
